Instrumento eletro-óptico para o estudo do sistema de inibição da acomodação ocular / Electro-optical instrument to study of inhibting ocular accomadation process




In this work it is described the development and construction of an electro-optical instrument It analyzes the process of inhibiting ocular accommodation used in the dynamic refractive exams. Due to no use of drugs to dilate and paralyze the pupil and the crystalline lens, variations in the ocular dioptric power can occur, becoming those exams ineffective and inefficient. This is avoided if the analyzer equipment possess an inhibition system. The project of the instrument was divided in 2 stages. The first stage was dedicated to the optical simulation of electro-optical instrument, by the Ray Tracing Method, and of the system inspector. In the second stage, the control electronics and the mechanical parts (electro-optical and system inspector) was built. After the development of the prototype of the instrument, evaluation tests were accomplished through the analysis of images done by the inspector. The electro-optical instrument was developed to be used in an analyzer of front of waves, using one of the most recent and efficient techniques applied in the ophthalmologic refractive exams.


autorefractor autorefrator instrumentação ocular accomodation acomodação ocular instrumentation

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