Instituições Para Idosos, Uma Nova Cultura Estudo de Caso: Solar Ville Garaude




This essay handles the discussion on the process of human aging. The attendance offer is respectful and shows dignity towards the elderly. It is a theme that seeks to open up space for a debate on a new vision other than what is aging in the 21st century. It is a case study, whose hypothesis is tested by means of a qualitative research done on elders which are hosted in an enterprise that is specifically designed for this age cluster. This research attempts to comprehend why and how the elder decides to venture out of his establishment to live in a hotel-residence, using the interviews with a group of elders living in the Solar Ville Garaude institution, located in Alphaville, district of Barueri, state of Sao Paulo, as backbone for the research. It analyses how the institution ministers to their bio psychosocial needs, using the method of participative observation. The analysis of the results consolidates itself within parameters defined by bibliographic researches and documentaries on the matter of aging and is complemented by the daily work experience of the researcher in institutions that are concentred on this segment. It discusses a question that shows itself to be valid in view of the constant increase of this population. It still reflects the importance of caring, creative and innovative attendance to this social group by the public and private institutions, avowing the value of respecting and even surpassing the basic principles of caring for elderly, fragile or active, in his moment in live and in his singularity. It is a calling towards a new culture, one in which the individual awareness of eudaemonia is the main parameter


instituição de longa permanência hotel-residence solar ville garaude (barueri, sp) new culture idoso nova cultura human-aging nova cultura servico social idosos -- assistencia em instituicoes bio psychosocial needs

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