INSTANTÂNEOS DO HOMEM PÓS-MODERNO: Uma leitura de O fotógrafo de Cristovão Tezza




This work proposes to analyze the human condition in big contemporary cities, considering, above all, the loneliness as a patent aspect in the urban person. When we point out the metropolis as a reliable place to the development of post-modern ideas and practices, we consider the city man as a product of this space and this context. Through the novel The photographer (O fotógrafo) from Cristóvão Tezza, we will try to relate the loneliness to its imagery representation within the work since, throughout the narrative, images are built selected and registered by the characters, the authors and even the readers photographic look which send us to these lonely impressions. Thus, we will carry out discussions concerning post-modern times, the contemporary metropolis, the individual and the effects of urban life on his behavior, his intimacy and his life. Notes on image and photography will be crucial and we will bring them up by means of the view of critics like Joly, Amont, Barthes, Sontag, Benjamin and Dubois


pós-modernidade fotografia image photography imagem literatura brasileira solidão loneliness post-modernity

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