Inseticidas alternativos no controle de moscas sinantrópicas. / Alternative insecticides in the control of sinantropic flies.




The flies Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax e Musca domestica, which produce myiasis and carry pathogenic microorganisms, cause large damage to the cattle-breeding. With the aim to enlarge the options about insecticides less aggressive for the environment was investigated, under laboratory and in field conditions, several concentrations of alternative insecticides for application on the soil of the place where the cattle repose in the night, to control the flies still in the pupae stage. The percentages of lethality obtained with the applications of the aqueous solutions and the concentrations in the soil, respectively, was; 94,4 for Azadiractha indica oil at the concentration of 0,6%; 90,4 for dried leaves of N. tabacum at 15,0%; 88,3 for Syzygium aromaticum at 12,5%; 86,0 for Allium sativum at 25,0%; 68,8 for Boveril at 0,3%; 47,2 for leaves of Erythrina mulungu a 30,0%; 45,6 for lime sulphur at 12,5%; 44,8 for Metarril at 0,3%; 37,0 for aerobic biofertilizer Agrobio at 20,0%; 30,3 for Melia azedarach at 12,5%; 30,1 for Cinnamomum zeylanicum at 12,5%; 28,5 for Piper nigrum at 25,0% and 26,1 for Ruta graveolens at 25,0%.


moscas sinantrópicas controle biológico biological control entomologia e malacologia de parasitos e vetores sinantropic flies botanical insecticides inseticidas botânicos

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