Inserção e expansão da associação de Homens de Negócio do Evangelho Pleno (ADHONEP) no Brasil: o legado de Custódio Rangel Pires




The present work aims to register the implementation and expansion of the Associação de Homens de Negócio do Evangelho Pleno (ADHONEP); Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International in Brazil, which is made of layman with the objective of evangelize business men, professionals of all areas, civil and militar authorities. To be a member one must have accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour. It attempts to demonstrate how this Fellowship has influenced the Brazilian Pentecostal evangelical environment and also narrates the History of the life of Custódio Rangel Pires, his contribution to the implementation and consolidation of ADHONEP in Brazil. This work contributes to enrich the knowledge about the Pentecostalism in Brazil and show the strategy used by ADHONEP to evangelize entreprenuers and professionals of all areas, social classes which had been neglected in the past by the evangelistic work of the pentecostals in Brazil.


ciencias humanas adhonep adhonep pentecostalismo pires, custódio rangel pentecostalism pires, dustódio rangel

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