Inovation and Resistance Concerning the Implementation of Humanization Process in the Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Município in the city of Goiânia-GO in the light of Bioethics. / INOVAÇÃO E RESISTÊNCIA NA IMPLANTAÇÃO DO PROCESSO DE HUMANIZAÇÃO NA SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE SAÚDE DO MUNICÍPIO DE GOIÂNIA-GO, SOB AS LENTES DA BIOÉTICA




Over the last two decades, the ethical problems of Medicine and Biological Sciences blew up in our society with great intensity, which constituted a challenge to contemporary ethics to provide a common moral standard for solving controversial issues coming from biomedical sciences and high technologies applied to health with the lack of care by life-care workers. Facing such matters, the Health Ministry has developed the Hospital Humanization National Program which is based upon a change of behavior between workers and the health system users, as a change in the service given to the user, aiming at rescuing the care which is the essence of human being. Based on this, our study investigates the impact of the humanization program in the everyday life of health workers in the city of Goiânia. 218 questionnaires were given to higher educated workers who work in the unities implementing the humanization process. Correlations among satisfaction with performed activities, workplace, working time, workload, earnings and religion with the humanized care were analised. We have also investigated the information workers have concerning the health humanization program and their participation as actors in this process. We have noted that they are in favor of the humanization process, but their adherence was not significant, in spite of all effort shown in the implementation of such process. We have discussed that humanizing theory is being assimilated only as a model of service, without the understanding of social changes proposed by this program.


saúde pública impacts health care workers humanization process processo de humanização ciencias da saude

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