Inovações no ensino de ciências e na educação em saúde: um estudo a partir do Projeto Finlay / Innovation in science and health education: study from Finlay Project




This document is about a qualitative research done through the analysis of a science education project designed by the Laboratório de Ensino de Ciências e Tecnologia (LECT) da Escola do Futuro da USP , denominated Finlay Project. The goal is to spread and engage students of fundamental education in the dengue fever problem. This document is an analysis of the Finlay Project and the performance of 15 public and private schools involved in the project between years 1999 and 2002. For such purpose, it was necessary to perform a documentary analysis of the project, as well as physical and virtual interviews with teachers, coordinators and directors of the acting schools. The results achieved, show that the students participating in the project during the study period collected 705 insectslarvae in 21 cities and 109 different neighborhoods. This data gives evidence that contemporary science education, focused almost exclusively on schoolbooks can be improved with the use of activities where students investigate community real world problems. Therefore, this document suggests innovation in science education based on participative learning, through authentic scientific investigation and the use of new information and communication technologies. Concerning innovation in health education, this issue concludes that science projects, more than an information instrument, must engage citizens in the social problems and there are better chances of success and growth when the projects are school based.


health education science (study and learning) dengue ciências (estudo e ensino) educação em saúde dengue

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