Inovação tecnológica e a tríplice hélice : interações em rede entre projetos dos institutos do milênio (MCT/2001) e patentes brasileiras registradas no escritório norte-americano (USPTO) após 2004


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




According to evolutionary theory of technological innovation (NELSON; WINTER [1982]2005), this work aims analyze the network interactions between projects of IMP - Institutos do Milenio Program (PADCTIII/MCT; 2001) and registered Brazilian patents in USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office after 2004. Through the Model of Analysis of the Technological Innovation Theories has been discussed about the evolutionary feature internalization of innovative process, relating the formation of the NSIs - National Systems of Innovation (FREEMAN; 1995) with the premises of the TH - Triple Helix Model (ETZKOWITZ; LEYDERSDORFF; 1998). For analyses network interactions had been adopted social network model (BORGATTI; EVERETT; FREEMAN [1999]2008), visual and algebraic analyses (BATAGELJ; MRVAR; 2003), using two softwares: Ucinet 6.201 and Pajek 1.23. The analyzed pointers of networks had been: connectiveness, geodesic distance, density, centrality and click (DAL POZ, 2006). This work has a positivist approach, boarding of nature quali-quanty and adopted the process of choice for convenience for information’s analyze. The mapping of the patents demonstrate that on the sectors to the innovative dynamics (PAVITT, 1984), they patent more: Engineering Mechanics; Illumination; Heating; Weapons and Explosion with 57 patents. Areas as of the Health (23 patents) and Transport (20) present greater frequency in the analyzed period. The companies who had more patented had been the PETROBRAS (37), EMBRACO (32) and GRENDENE (29). It was observed intense transference of knowledge and technology enters the 104 proponent RIHE - Research Institutions and Higher Education of the patents, and also, of the high specialization of the information. However, because limitations of guarantees to the copyright and industrial secrecy, low centrality reflects the concentration in few RIHE and Companies in the generation of patents. Thus, the difference between the interaction network of the IM Program and of the patents it is in the opposing interacionais formations: the IM Program aims on the contribution amid the participants, and the patents in the defense (restriction) against the use joint. In analysis of the network unified between the IM Programs (2001) and Brazilian patents in USPTO (2004-2008), high density was observed indicating that the transferences can be generated in closed groups or between few RIHE and companies. Finally, for presenting few Triple Helix interactions - three in 17 IM Program’s projects -, the conclusion of this work reflects low intensity like interactional environment, according suggested in IM Program in relation to the premises for the formation of the brazilian NSI.


inovações tecnológicas - administração intercâmbio de patentes e informações técnicas patentes - políticas públicas technical innovations management interchange of patents and technical information patents public policy

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