Inoculação de células de Schwann cultivadas pré-tratadas ou não com as citocinas inflamatórias TGF-beta1 e TN- alfa; na medula espinal contusa de ratos. Análise neuroquímica da plasticidade medular / Inoculation of cultivated cells of Schwann daily pay-treated or not with the inflammatory cytokines TGF-beta1 and TNFalfa in the Spinal cord injuries of rats. Neurochemical analysis of the spinal cord plasticity




The experimental use of Schwann cells is indicated on spinal cord treatment due to the ability of these cells to produce neurotrophic factors and inflammatory cytokines, influencing nervous system environment. Male rats were submitted to a moderate spinal cord contusion (25mm) at 11th thoracic level. Culture Schwann cells were obtained from sciatic nerves and pre-treated or not with inflammatory cytokines TGF-1 (5ng/ml) or TNF- (30ng/ml) and then were inoculated in lesion site just after trauma. Sham and lesion groups received culture medium inoculation. After surgery, rats were submitted to behavior analyses during 8 weeks. BBB showed motor recovery in the Schwann cell group. This effect was not potentiated by pretreated of Schwann cells with inflammatory cytokines. The spinal cords were processed for Cresil Violet or immunolabeling to GAP-43, glutamate, NPY, substance P, GFAP, FGF-2 and NG2. Stereological analyses showed no differences in the estimated number of remaining neurons and in the volume of the preserved tissue among the lesioned groups. The injury reduced GAP-43 immunoreactivity in ventral horn, which was reverted when injury was treated with Schwann cells pre-treated or not with TGF-1. Schwann cell treatment enhanced glutamate immunoreactivity in the ventral horn and lateral funiculus compared with lesioned group. In ventral horn, NPY immunoreactivity was enhanced in Schwann cells group compared with sham group. In lateral funiculus, the injury or the treatment with Schwann cells increased NPY immunoreactivity, comparing with sham group. FGF-2 of lateral funiculus and gracile fasciculus enhanced in Schwann cells group. Treatment with Schwann cells enhanced FGF-2 immunoreactivity in gracile fasciculus. Injury enhanced FGF-2 immunoreactivity in epicenter region, also observed in the groups treated by Schwann cells. In ventral horn and lateral funiculus when the lesioned groups were treated by Schwann cells and/or cytokines there was significant increase in GFAP immunoreactivity compared with sham group. In epicenter, the injury promoted GFAP immunoreactivity increase that was potentiated by Schwann cells treatment. The injury produced NG2 increase in epicenter, included by Schwann cells treatment. The motor recovery showed in Schwann cell group is probably related to neurochemical plasticity in spinal cord preserved tissue.


spinal cord (wounds and injuries) neuroprotection central nervous sytems regeneration células de schwann plasticidade neuroquímica regeneração do sistema nervoso central citocinas schwann cells neuroproteção cytokines lesão medular neurochemical plasticity

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