Initial states and the various long-time-behaviors of the unstable multilevel systems


Brazilian Journal of Physics




The decaying behavior of both the survival S(t) and total P(t) probabilities for unstable multilevel systems at long times is investigated by using the N-level Friedrichs model. The long-time asymptotic-forms of both S(t) and P(t) are obtained for an arbitrary initial-state extending over the unstable levels. It is then clarified how the asymptotic forms depend on the initial population in unstable levels. In particular, a special initial state that maximizes the asymptotic form of both S(t) and P(t) is found. On the other hand, the initial states eliminating the first term of their asymptotic expnasions also exist, which implies that a faster decay rather than expected can be realized. This faster decay for S(t) is numerically confirmed by considering the spontaneous emission process for the hydrogen atom interacting with the electromagnetic field. It is demonstrated that the t-4-decay and a faster decay are realized depending on the initial states, where the latter is estimated as t-8.

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