Initial Report of a Mycotic Aneurysm of the Common Iliac Artery With Compression of the Ipsilateral Ureter and Femoral Vein: A Literature Review and Case Report


Iliac artery aneurysms are rare and the usual symptoms, pelvic pain and urological complaints, are nonspecific. We describe a patient with pelvic pain, intermittent urinary retention, and lower extremity edema. A right common iliac artery aneurysm was discovered during surgery after rupture had occurred. Pathologic examination revealed a mycotic process. This case demonstrates the obscure and unreported clinical features of iliac artery aneurysms. When this lesion is suspected, an angiogram should be performed promptly in an effort to prevent the predictable catastrophic consequences. (Texas Heart Institute Journal 1986; 13:321-324)

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