Iniciativas de atendimento para crianças negras na província de São Paulo (1871-1888) / Care initiatives for Black children in the province of São Paulo (1871-1888).


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The text discusses the care of children free for the period 1871 to 1879 in the province of São Paulo. The theme is relevant to research in the field of educational historiography and the history of Brazilian children in order to understand the care initiatives proposed by the province of Sao Paulo to the sons and daughters of enslaved families. Throughout the text we use the term \"enslaved\" instead of slave in accordance Munanga studies (2004), which do not consider that blacks were born in this condition have neither biological propensities to life in captivity. Sought, in the early part of the research, presenting a survey of dissertations, theses and articles whose topics conjugate with the objectives of this dissertation. These studies report the education process of the black population and also describe the situation of children and childhood in bondage free periodization close or similar to this study. For this study, we used five different types of documentary sources: reports from the Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural annals of Congress in Recife and Rio de Janeiro, both held in 1878, records of naive, copies of the newspaper The Redemption and the actual text of the Free Womb Law, the 1st national census of the Brazilian Empire in 1872 .The sources are analyzed so together, talking among themselves in order to assist in the composition of the scene of public service free of black children in the province of Sao Paulo. The methodological approach used in the Corpus analysis varies depending on the nature of each source, being undertaken, especially, quantitative and qualitative features. The research reveals the absence of data on free black children, as well as the absence, in the province of Sao Paulo, the institutions for their care, and was located in other provinces of the Empire of Brazil. Based on the sources analyzed, you can check that the free black children in Sao Paulo Were the not delivered for State.


black child criança negra história da educação história da escolarização da população negra livre history of education history of schooling of black people law of free womb lei do ventre

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