Infrapopulações e infracomunidades de acaros (Acari: Gamasida) associados a histerideos (Coleoptera: Histeridae) em esterco de galinhas poedeiras da granja do municipio de São João da Boa Vista, SP / Mite infrapopulations and infracommunities of mites (Acari: Gamasida) in association with histerids (Coleoptera: Histeridae) in laying hen manure from a poultry farm in São João da Boa Vista-SP




Animal production systems under confinement are artificial agroecosystems which favor the development of an exuberant arthropod fauna, due to their high manure offer. These environments may provide adequate survival conditions for a number of mites. The purpose of this work was to study the phoretic association dynamics between mites and predaceous coleopterans, also focusing on the occurrence and abundance of histerids-associated mite families, as well as their infrapopulations and infracommunities, related indexes of constancy, dominance and prevalence. The sampling methodology included hand-collected manure samples and pitfalltraps. Eight gathering activities occurred in different seasons in 2002, and 9 gathering activities during the period of 2001. Associated to histerids 4 mites species were found. A new association has been found between histerids and the Ascidae family in poultry farms manure. Phoretic mites prevalence was prevailing in Hololepta quadridentata


acari infrapopulation acaro histeridae ascidae histeridae phoresy predação (biologia) poultry farms predators

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