Influência do tipo de argamassamento e da utilização de peças de ajuste dimensional na resistência à compressão da alvenaria de blocos de concreto / Influence of mortar bedding type and use of adjustment dimensional parts in the compressive strength of masonry of concrete blocks




Currently, the structural masonry still has some advantages in the construction industry as compared with conventional systems, however it should continue to be studied for a better utilization of the system. This research studies the change of compressive strength of masonry walls due to the placement of mortar only on the sides of the blocks compared to the total release; and the insertion of adjustment dimensional parts for the settlement of modulations masonry walls. The experimental tests corresponding of characterization of materials used and compressive strength tests of the units, prisms, and mini-walls were made. All materials complied with the standard requirements for its correct use in the experimental tests. The results of the compression tests of the elements demonstrated that the effect of mortar bedding type significantly influenced the compressive strength of masonry with full mortar bedding showing better performance. The use of adjustment dimensional parts did not reduce the compressive strength of mini-walls.


adjustment dimensional parts alvenaria estrutural Área da região de contato compressive strength contact area mortar type peças de ajuste dimensional resistência à compressão structural masonry tipo de argamassamento

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