"Influência do grau de proficiência técnica dos operadores no preparo de canais curvos, quando do emprego de instrumentos rotatórios de níquel-titânio" / Influence of the operator’s proficiency in the preparation of curved canals, using of rotary nickel-titanium instruments




This study evaluated the interference of operators with different proficiencies in the preparation of curved canals , simulated transparent resin blocks. The groups, with 10 individuals each, were: Group 1 - professors of Endodontics; Group 2 – students of specialization; Group 3 – undergraduate dental students who had concluded the Endodontics course and Group 4 - undergraduate dental students in the beginning of the Endodontics course. Each operator prepared two canals with 20 degrees of bending, the first canal was visualized for training and second no. The rotary instrumentation used was the RaCe®. The parameters of evaluation were: time of instrumentation, amount of removed material, apical transportation and deformation of the instruments. The results (ANOVA and Test of Tuckey = 0.05%): In relation to the instrumentation time, when of the execution of the first canal, it had statistics difference between group 1 and groups 3 and 4, group 2 only differed from group 4. When of the execution of the second canal it did not have difference statistics between the groups. For the amount of material removed of the first canal it had difference statistics between the graduated (groups 1 and 2) relation to the undegraduated (groups 3 and 4). After the second canal instrumentation, only had difference between groups 1 and 2. The apical transportation did not present statistics difference enters the groups in no ne of the experimental conditions. After the application ?2 test (a=0,01%), was observed that group 1 produced lesser deformations in the instruments. Conclusions: The apical transportation was similar between the different groups. It had reduction in the time of instrumentation of the second canal in relation to the first one, with statistics difference in the groups of the monitors and academics. It did not have difference statistics between the groups, in relation to the time of instrumentation of the second canal. The groups of the graduated ones (professors and students of specialization) removed bigger amount of material of the first canal, when compared with the ones of the undergraduate (monitorial and academic). It did not have statistics difference enters the groups in relation to the amount of material removed of the second canal, excepting the comparison between the professors and the students of specialization, where the first ones had consumed significantly more than the last ones. Compared with all groups, the professors had produced minors deformations to the instruments.


proficiency of operators preparo do canal radicular proficiência de operadores root canal preparation instrumentação rotatória rotary instrumentation

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