Influencia do conteudo volumetrico das particulas de cargas nas propriedades mecanicas de diferentes materiais de moldagem / Mechanical properties of impression materials by volumetric filler content




Based on the incomplete understanding on how filler features influence the properties of elastomeric impression materials, the purpose of this study was to determine the inorganic filler fraction and size of five commercially available alginates (Jeltrate; Jeltrate Plus, Jeltrate Chromatic Ortho, Hydrogum e Ezact Krom) and nine addition/condensation silicones using the putty/light consistence (Clonage, Elite HD+ Light Body, Express Light Body, Flexitime, Optosil P Confort/Xantopren VL Plus, Oranwash L, Reprosil A+, Silon 2 APS e Virtual Extra Light Body). A SEM/EDX analysis was done to qualitatively characterize the materials. Soon afterwards elastic recovery and strain in compression of the alginates and some the silicones was carried. The inorganic particles volumetric fractions were accessed by weighing a previously determined mass of each material in water before and after burning samples for 3 hours at 450ºC (alginates) and 600ºC (silicones). Unsettled materials were soaked in acetone and chloroform and sputter-coated with gold for SEM evaluation of fillers morphology and size. The filler composition was determined by EDX. Elastic recovery and strain in compression tests were conducted according to ISO specification number 1563 and 4823. Jeltrate and Jeltrate Plus presented the highest mean values of percentage content of inorganic particles in volume, while Jeltrate Chromatic Ortho presented the lowest values. Flexitime Easy Putty was the silicone with the highest mean value, while Xantopren VL Plus had the lowest value. The alginate fillers presented a circular appearance with helical form and various perforations. Hydrogum fillers looked like cylindrical, perforated sticks. SEM pictures of the silicone inorganic particles showed numerous morphologies - lathe-cut, spherical, spherical-like, sticks, and sticks mixed to lathe-cut powder. Ezact Krom was the alginate with the highest values for diameter size, while Hydrogum had the lowest. Clonage Putty showed the highest values, while Elite HD+ Light Body presented the lowest values. The component in higher concentration in the materials is silicon. The alginate Ezact Krom, and the addition cure silicones Reprosil A+ putty and Flexitime Correct Flow had the highest mean values of elastic recovery, while the alginate Jeltrate Plus and the condensation cured silicones Optosil P Confort and Clonage Putty presented the lowest values. Strain in compression test showed the alginate Jeltrate Plus and the condensation cured silicones Silon 2APS Putty and Fluid as the materials with the highest values. The alginate Ezact Krom and the silicones Reprosil A+ Putty and Xantopren VL Plus had lowest values. All materials are in conformity with the requirements of ISO specification number 1563, but not all materials are in conformity with the requirements of ISO specification number 4823


alginatos alginates microscopia eletronica de varredura moldagem dentaria elastomers in dentistry scanning electron microscope elastomeros na odontologia x-rays raios x - difração dental impression materials

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