Influencia do ambiente termico, aereo e acustico de uma maternidade e creche de suinos nas condições laborais do trabalhador / Influence of the farrowing and growing swine thermal, air and acoustic environment in labor conditions of the worker




Swine housing project nowadays has presented some gaps related to the impact of the resulting environment in both animal production and the labor health and security. Future rural constructions might provide more than just shade offer to animal confinement, as the animal welfare demands by consumers increased considerably enhancing the use of new design concepts. Brazilian swine production is an important activity for the agribusiness, and even though the use of technology in the various segments of this activity allowed mechanization of processes, intensive labor is still needed. Swine worker is exposed to several risk factors during their activities among them the exposition to noxious gases, excess of noise, and exposure to heat stress. It is then important to quantify the environmental factors where the worker develops his/her activities, related to better understand the overall environment generated by housing typology, aerial, thermal and acoustic environment, and their effects on the labor health. The present research had as the general objective to evaluate the aerial, thermal and acoustic environment of swine farrowing and growing housing in two swine farms with distinct rearing conditions (G1 and G2). For that it was evaluated gases concentration (NH3, CO, CO2), inhalable dust, noise level, Black Globe Temperature and Humidity Index (BGHI), ambient temperature and relative humidity, and wind speed during the workers activities. The workers health condition was evaluated using a questionnaire. Data were recorded in both swine farms in the periods of morning and afternoon. The housing typology conditions were detailed and described. Data were submitted to a statistical analysis for associating the variables, and the data were compared to the recommended values in current norms. It was found that the gases concentration (NH3, CO, CO2), are within the limits recommended by NR15 (1978) and CGIH (2001). Gases concentration values found were low besides ammonia concentration found in G1 inside the nursing housing during the morning (10 ppm) that is within the recommended value. Inhalable dust concentration values found were within the limits established by the norms ACGIH (2001), NR-15 (1998) and NIOSH (1994) in both houses, and there was not statistical significance between them. In relation to noise level inside housing the activity of tail trimming presented high value (85-103 dB) while other management activities presented noise level below 85 dB, which is within the recommend limits of the norms NR15 (1978). Inside both housings environment of G1 and G2 wind speed was lower than 0.1 m s-1. The BGHI in G1 was higher than in G2 inside the nursing housing during the afternoon reaching 27.5 ?C, and inside the farrowing house where recorded values were near 25 ?C that classifies as unhealthy for labor the environment inside G1. According to the questionnaire answer there was not significant difference in the labor conditions between both swine farms in the workers perspective.


ambiente de trabalho rural architecture trabalhadores rurais construções rurais work environment swine production rural labor suino - criação

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