Influencia de las expectativas de familias y profesorado en el logro educativo y social de los estudiantes


Educ. Pesqui.




Abstract Since the fifties of the twentieth century, there has been a debate about whether the concept that teachers construct of their students is related to the social extraction of the latter as well as their degree of educational success. In that case, and there are numerous researchers that point in this direction, the genius of those students from lower social class backgrounds, which is not perceived or conceived by their teachers, would be buried before it can stand out. Moreover, even if the injustice that falls on them as class inheritance is already intact, the situation may be aggravated by the fact that the parents of these students do not believe in their potential or envision brilliant horizons for them. This paper pretends about the phenomenon in question, designing it from a qualitative research. This type of methodology admits that beliefs, mentality, myths, prejudice and the emotions among others, are elements of analysis to be able to get the personal reality. For that purpose, personal interviews have been conducted with twenty-four subjects (twelve teachers and twelve parents of students) from four primary and secondary schools in Córdoba (Spain). This paper is presented as an empirical approach to the role of school and family in the maintenance of inequality of opportunities through discourse analysis. Descriptive analyses indicate the existence of a relationship between expectations, social class and academic performance which can be tempered or diluted with experience, reflection on practice and ongoing training.

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