Influência das propriedades físico-mecânicas e hídricas do solo na susceptibilidade a escorregamentos em vertente declivosa na Serra do Mar em Ubatuba, São Paulo / Influence of physical and mechanical properties of soil an hydro in susceptibility to landslides on steep slopes in the Serra do Mar, Ubatuba


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The mass movements are natural phenomena of evolution of the slopes, but they cause great damage when being considered as a risk in one area if they have a vulnerability in the slope associated with human occupation or industry that brings risk population. The study area is located on the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. In the region of Serra do Mar, an escarpment that reaches 1,000 m above sea level, acts as an orographic barrier causing the area is heavily affected by rainfall, and the average annual county reaches very high. For the complete study of these phenomena is important to better understand the structure of soils and their behavior in relation to water dynamics, so the aim was to achieve this characterization and to determine the possible site of rupture between soil horizons. The area chosen for the development of study have high rainfall and history of these types of gravitational mass movements. For this work were analyzed macromorphological field describing the profiles surveyed (three), mineralogical, Atterberg limits (plastic limit and liquid), water retention curve in soil horizons and shear strength. The particle size analysis was diversified, finding clay soils and sandy-clay, with the predominance Alfissol Álico. The greatest depth found was less than 227cm and 175cm, the retention curves showed different results for each horizon, showing the different behaviors in relation to water retention; followed the grain boundaries, reaching higher values for more clayey soils, as those found in the trench 02, and shear strength also showed differences in the values of the parameters (cohesion and internal friction angle) between the horizons, to test the soil of the trench 03 were not used because it was located near the base of the slope. The results lead us to believe that contact between these horizons (B and C) is a point likely to break


mar serra do escorregamentos (geografia) taludes (geografia fisica) taludes (mecanica do solo) serra do mar landslides (geography) slopes (physical geography) slopes

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