Influencia das glandulas submandibulares, sublinguais e da saliva na secreção e na integridade da mucosa gastrica de ratos




There are evidences that besides contributing to digestion through the role of saliva in mastication, deglution and starch digestion, salivary glands produce biologic substances. Some of these substances, secreted in saliva or blood stream, affect gastric mucosal and influence its secretion and growth processo Epidermal Growth Factor ( EGF ), a polipeptide first purified from mouse submandibular glands, is believed to participate in this processo Numerous studies have demonstrated that EGF has many effects such as inhibition of gastric acid secretion and protection of gastric mucosal through stimulation of DNA synthesis and healing of gastric ulcers. I The present study was designed to investigate the effects of submandibular-sublingual glands 00 gastric mucosaI secretion and integrity. Volúme, pH, free acidity, total ac idity ofthe gastric juice and histologic caracteristics of gastric mucosal were evaluated. Seventh male rats, weigbing 300 - 350 g, were divided into seven goups: Simulated Surgery ( rats submitted to the same surgery stress of the rats from Sialoadenectomized and Sectionated Glandular Ducts groups ); Sectionated Glandular Ducts ( rats submitted to the section of the submandibular-sublingual glands ducts ); Sialoadenectomized ( rats submitted to resection of the sub-mandibular-sublingual. glands ); Normal + NaO and Normal + Saliva ( rats that recieved, intragastrically, 0,5 ml of NaCI 0,9 % and 0,5 ml of saliva obtained from submandibular-sublingual glands, daily, during the last 4 days of the experiment, respectively)~ Sialoadenectomized + NaQ and Sialoadenectomized + Saliva ( rats submitted to resection of the submandibular-sublingual glands that recieved, intragastricaUy, 0,5 ml ofNaCI 0,9 % and 0,5 ml of saliva obtained fTom submandibular-sublingual glands, daily, during alI experimental period, respectively). After 14 days, the animals were fasted for 72h. Under ether anesthesia the pylorus was ligated and the animaIs were sacrificed after 4 h. The stomach and the submandibular-sublingual glands were dissected out to subsequent histologic analysis. . Results demonstrated that the section of submandibular-sublingual glands ducts reduced peptic activity of the gastric juice, gastric acid secretion and promoted a discrete atropy of the submandibular-sublingual glands and mucosal gastric, respectively. Sialoadenectomy reduced peptic activity of g~c juice in a higher degree than section fsubmandibular-sublingual"glands ducts, decreased gastric acid secretion, and promoted severe atroph of the gastric mucosal. Although intragastric administration of saliva has decreased the gastric acidity and peptic activity of gastric juice in normal rats, it did not afIect volume and gastric mucosal structure ofthe normal and sialoadenectomized rats. The results suggest that submandibular-sublingual glands plays an important role in secretion and growth of gastric mucosal, and saliva influences acidity and peptic activity of gastric juice via a direct lumenal effect in the stomach of normal rats, probably due its biologically active factors


glandula submandibular mucosa gastrica - secreções - histologia glandulas salivares

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