Influencia da velocidade de trabalho na tensão de trefilação de fios finos de cobre




The present work had as fts main objective a comparative study of experimental drawing stresses and those predicted from theoretical models, as a function of drawing speed. At first, an extensive bibliographical review was made of the principal theoretical models for determination of drawing stresses. Afterwards,an apparatus for measuring drawing stresses was Idesigned and built. The experimental results obtained were then compared with thos~ expected from theoretical models as a function of the friction coefficient, the redundant work and the data concerning yield li~it and strain hardening coefficie~t, o b t a i n e d f r o m te n s i 1 e t eis t, s o as t o c h e c k f o r t h e di s ta n c e between theory and experimento


engenharia mecanica trefilação de arame

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