Influencia da neuroestimulação eletrica transcutanea (TENS) no tratamento de incoordenações do complexo condilo-disco




The aim of this study was to evaluate the transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, (TENS), in the treatment of internal derangements of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). For this, were examined 527 patients that were referred to the School ofDentistry of Piracicaba of State University of Campinas (FOP-UNICAMP) with temporomandibular disorders (Tl D). From 527 patients, were selected 10 women, with all the teeth, with a exception by the third molar, with reciprocal cIicking and joint painfull, that showed internal derangements of TMJ, which would be comproved by electrovibratography (EVG). During the initial 30 days of treatment, the patients received a flat ocIusal plane (FPO) in the maxillary adjusted in a centric relation. Among the 31 to 60 days, over the FPO, was constructed a anterior repositioning appliance (AP A), with an acrilic resin to let the mandible in a forward position to maintain the disk in a normal relationship to the condyle. At the end of this period, they were evaluated by EVG. The TENS therapy was started using the modulation type for TENS, twice in a week, for 4-weeks. The patients were counsell to use the appliance only at night. At the end ofthe 90th day, at finished ofthe therapy, they did the EVG again. After the statistical analysis of the data, a pain relief was observed of in the joint of. patients during the 60 days of treatment with the occIusal appliances. When evaluated and compared, TENS therapy and occIusal appliances therapy, there was a great relief in the joint situation of the patient. Probably because a sinergism estabilished amq~g the muscIes of mastication. The concIusion was that the association between TENS and appliances therapy can make a nice effect for the patient causing a reestabilishement of a sinergism among the stomathognathic system


articulação temporomandibular estimulação eletrica nervosa transcutanea

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