Influencia da escovação mecanica na manutenção do acabamento com resinas fluidas sobre compositos odontologicos




Some microstructural changes in the surface of composites may be originated by mastigation and finishing and polishing procedures. These changes may grow continously through the superficial and subsuperficiai areas, resulting in a generalized restoration war. As an attempt to minimize these microdefects, some authors suggest the use of surface penetrating sealants. Based on this, the purpose of this study was to assess the efectiveness of the application of a surface penetrating sealant (Fortify - Bisco) and a bonding agent (provided by the manufacturer of the composite) on the polished surface of two dental composites, Tetric Ceram (Vivadent) and 2100 (3M), in surface roughness, after wear through mechanical toothbrushing. 144 specimens (8 mm in diameter, 2 mm in height) were manufactured, and they were divided in three groups of 48 specimens, according to a estimated period of toothbrushing, that is, six months and one year, and a group without toothbrushing. Each group was divided in three subgroups, according to the surface treatment received, that is, no treatment, application of the bonding agent of the manufacturer, and application of Fortify. After each surface treatment, a measurement of the surface roughness was made through a surface texture mechanism instrument (Prazis Rug-03). Following that, the specimens were submitted to toothbrushing in a machine (Equilabor) in constant speed of 250 strokes per minute, using Kolynos Doctor (Kolynos do Brasil) toothbrush and Sorriso (Kolynos do Brasil) toothpaste. The surface roughness was then measured one more time. The surface of two samples of each group were prepared for SEM (scanning electron microscopy) by being mounted on metal stubs and coated with a layer of gold-paladium. The results were subject to analysis of variance and to Tuke/s test at 5% significant level. It was shown that, regarding composite Z100, the samples treated before toothbrush ing - both the samples that received and did not receive the application of a surface penetrating agent - obtained the lowest values of roughness. After six months and one year of toothbrushing, the roughness values increased significantly. Regarding composite Tetric Ceram, the results were similar to composite Z100. The photomicrographs showed that generally, after a six-month period of toothbrushing, the cover material was partially removed, increasing the average value of roughness, which remained the same or decreased after one year of toothbrushing


resinas dentarias aspereza de superficie

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