Influencia da contaminação por bacteriaslacticos na fermentação alcoolica pelo processo de batelada alimentada




This research was carried out in 2 stages. The first stage involved isolation, taxonomy, tests of resistance to ethanol and commercial yeast flocculation tests, all aimed at selecting lactic bacteria which were natural contaminants of fermentation vats. In the second stage, a pilot system was set up to carry out fermentation assays simulating distillery conditions and using one of the bacteria’s selected in the first stage. Under these conditions Lactobacillus fermentum isolated n 28 was tested, reproducing the bacterial infection of the distillery fermentation vats by way of a fed-batch process. For the first stage of experiment, concentrated yeast samples from two distilleries were obtained, without cid treatment, during August , 1388. The first distillery (Santa AdeIla - Jaboticabal, S.P.) was presenting microbiological problems, while the second (Modelo - Piracicaba, SP) was operating formally. The results of the taxonomic study showed that the predominant bacterium present woo Lactobacillus fermentum (Bet), followed by Lactobacilus murinus (9%), Lactobacillus vacclnostercus (9%), Lactobacillus plantarun (2%) and Leuconostoc (2%). Among the lactobaciIIus, the obligate he terofermentatiue types were predominant Í8BX). The strains tested were all resistant to 7% (v/u) ethanol, and 64% were resistant to 10%, demonstrating adaptation to the alcoholic environment. Flocculation of the yeast was a characteristic of 67% of the strains tested. Regarding the distilleries, the expected results were confirmed. The Santa fidélla showed a higher level of contamination, with strains more resistant to alcohol and floculation of the commercial yeast. The results of the fermentation assays, showed that both the vital characteristics and growth of the yeast were seriously undermined when the acid concentration exceeded 4,8 g/f (expressed as lactic acid) and yeast/bacteria ratio of about 0,9. The alcohol productivity (Pern) and sugar consumption ratios (Ps>suffered similar decrease (about 54%) between the average of the first 9 cycles and that of the sixteenth cycle, when the acidity and contamination were maximum. This indicated a loss in the velocity of sugar consumption by yeast, and a consequent fail in the production of ethanol, due to the excess of acidity caused by the bacteria! contamination. The parameters alcohol yield, Yp/so and the percentage of total sugars consumed also showed accentuated fails during the final cycles, and therefore could also serve as index for the evaluate some of infection in the ethanol production. The conversion factor Yp/s was not affected by the acidity. This was related to the fact that the calculations were based on the sugar consumed by the yeast, and not that available within the system.


fermentação alimentos alcool

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