Influência da aflatoxina B1 sobre a fagocitose de Escherichia coli em galinhas Hubard X Hubard




The present thesis was concerned to imnunoassays, carried out in order to evaluate the aflatoxin interference on the inflammatory mechanisms. Experiments were done by in vivo procedures. In the in vivo experiments, chickens (Hubard x Hubard) received 100 μg / g de aflatoxin, 2 hours before infection with Escherichia coli. The blood clearance of Escherichia coli, was determined by haemoculture and quantification of the bacteria colonies in tryptose agar medium at different intervals ( 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120 minutes). A significant decrease of the number of colonies recovering was observed at the 15 minutes period, of aflatoxin-trated chikens. From there on, animals intoxicated with aflatoxin were not able to eliminate the circulating bacterias. Aflatoxin-trated chikens, there were detectable a significant decrease of number of bacteria colonies on the organ, than in the control group. The per cent of bacterias were found in the spleen and liver, with the rate of 91.9 % and 7.6 %, respectively. The results have been shown, aflatoxin to be a micotoxin hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic.


aflatoxina fagocotose imunologia

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