Influence of the status nutritional pregnant adults in the birth weight infants, Viçosa-MG / Influência do estado nutricional de gestantes adultas no peso ao nascer, Viçosa-MG




The health of the infants born is totally related with the maternal conditions, as socioeconomic and nutritional aspects. However, these factors sometimes arent considerate of great importance, what show still great number of low birth weight infants born. These numbers could be minimized through the prenatal care that could identify and orientate the problems that harm the mother and infants health. The aim of this work was to evaluate the evolution of the status nutritional of pregnant adults and your relationship with the birth weight infants. The study was carried out at Department of Nutrition, Federal University of Viçosa-MG, Brazil, during the period of July of 2005 to May of 2006. One hundred forty three pregnant adults assisted in public and private levels from the City, were evaluated. In this study, it were excluded pregnant women that didnt have age between 20 and 35 years old and wasnt between the 14 and 28 pregnancy week, smoking, alcoholics, users of drugs, with genital infections, mental disease, pré-eclampsia, twin pregnancy, chronic diseases (cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, hypertension). In the first moment of evaluation (second trimester gestational) it were collected through questionnaire, the personal and socioeconomic characteristics, obstetric antecedents, food history and evolution of the nutritional state. It was also applied the questionnaire semi-quantitative frequency food consumption. In the second moment (third trimester), the same pregnant women were submitted to the anthropometric evaluation and the questionnaire of food consumption was applied. The biochemical data and the age gestational were obtained through the exams and the pregnant woman card, in the second and third trimester gestational The pregnant women received orientation in the two collection periods and after the infant birth. The infants were evaluated through the weight and hemoglobin, collected in the Hospitals City and the first week after the childbirth, respectively. After, the birth weight infant born was correlated with the maternal characteristics. It was concluded that, the energy consumption and, of macro and micronutrients of most of the pregnant were in the level of adequation, exception just for calcium, iron and fibers. The weight gain by week was influenced by the energy consumption, not being obtained relationship among the macronutrientes consumption with the week and total weight gain. The pregnant women with appropriate ingestion of A and B6 vitamins had higher week weight gain and pregnant with weight gain adequate consumed larger amount of B12 vitamin. As higher week weigh gain presented higher was the folic acid and iron consume. The weight before pregnancy, IMC before pregnancy and the weight gain had influence in the birth weight infant born. However, when subdivided the pregnant as the level of health attendance, it was verified the only pregnant women of the private level presented also relation of these with the birth weight infant born. The pregnant women from public level, the smallest escolarity and per capita income and, the age pregnancy of the childbirth were the variables that had influenced in the birth low and insufficient weight infant. The childbirth type (surgical) and the attendance number during the pregnancy were the characteristics that influenced in the birth weight infant born from private level attendance.


cuidado pré-natal prenatal care gravidez aspectos nutricionais peso ao nascer birth weight nutritional aspects recém-nascidos pregnancy new-born nutricao

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