Influence of object size and rigidity in reaching at 6 to 36 month-old health infants / Influência do tamanho e rigidez dos objetos no alcance manual de crianças saudáveis de 6 a 36 meses de vida




Studies have been identified both changes in the body and in the environment induce adjustments on the reaching, however few studies verified the influence of the size and rigidity of objects longitudinally in the period of 6 to 36 months, mainly employing the kinematic analysis and qualitative analysis of movements. Thus, two studies were conducted major (Studies 2 and 3) and a complementary study (Study 1). The aim of the Study 1 was to testing whether Dvideow system is a sensitive, objective and reliable instrument in the kinematic analysis of infants reaching movement in the period of 4 to 6 months. Based on the positive results of this study has been the use of the system for analysis Dvideow kinematics of the reaching movement into Study 2. The aim of Study 2 was to verify the influence of the size and rigidity of the objects in the reach of children at 6, 7, 8 and 36 months. According to the results of this study are realized the importance of also qualitatively analyze the reaching movements, being carried out the Study 3. The aim of Study 3 was to analyze the influence of the size and rigidity of objects in proximal and distal adjustments of reach in the period of 6 to 36 months. Thus, nine healthy infants were positioned in a infant chair with 50 horizontal. Four objects were presented, a large rigid, a small rigid, a large and a small soft for a period of 1 minute each. The movements were filmed by three digital cameras. It was found that reaching from 6 to 36 months is characterized by changes both in cinematic and qualitative variables, which modify when necessary according to the most discrepance properties of the objects presented. It is suggested that this is a period of refinement of reach manual, in which the motor system continuous adjustments are made according to age (physical growth, improvement in postural control, differences in the perception of the objects in each age), the experience and environment, which in turn, can only promote changes in the parameters of the control needed to carry out the task


propriedade dos objetos alcance manual child lactentes sistema dvideow ajustes distais e proximais object rigidity desenvolvimento motor reaching object size fisioterapia e terapia ocupacional

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