Indústrias nacionais, diálogos regionais: trocas no cinema contemporâneo sulamericano / National industries, regional dialogues: changes in contemporary South American fiction film sector


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the past two decades the South American film production went back on track thanks to the slowdown of economic crises in the countries of the region and the implementation of better policies to support the film sector. This movie activity has received support from some initiatives in the region. The debate around the idea of integration promoted by Mercosul and the agreements signed since that offers opportunities to consolidate the movie industry and to expansion the film market through the entry into neighboring markets. Although weren´t established by a program with coordinated goals, the challenges presented to the MERCOSUR Cultural led to initiatives that weave networks and installed 5 circuits to occupy the space almost empty of cultural traffic between the countries of MERCOSUR.


acordos culturais cinema contemporâneo contemporary cine cultural agreements film industry indústria cinematográfica integração sulamericana south american integration

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