Indústria farmacêutica no Brasil, 1990-2000: a oportunidade da inovação tecnológica na interação universidade-empresa




This work evaluates the possibilities that the national pharmaceutical industry has to undertake actions of technological innovation from its relationship with the University and research institutes. During the decade of 1990 the pharmaceutical sector was affected by several changes, between them, the recognition of patents, the occurrence of a period of freedom of prices and the implementation of more demanding regulatory standards. The whole of these changes defines a condition in which the national companies are compelled to modify its commercial strategy and, among the existing options, the technological innovation upsurges. To spot the problem in the frame of the global and national technological and economic environment, the main publications on the subject had been reviewed, including scientific papers, newspaper and specialized magazine articles, as well as the results of marketing research and laws. The information survey also included interviews with professionals of the main institutions directly involved with the subject. The conclusions of the work indicate that, under certain circumstances, interactive projects with the University constitute real alternatives - at least to the biggest national pharmaceutical companies - to reach a limited technological independence that allows them to enhance its competitiveness. Moreover, the difficulties faced for the national industry and scientific community to establish joint projects are identified, between them, the lack of tradition that creates problems in the communication between the two institutions and in the definition of the roles that each one must play; the deficiency of experienced and qualified staff to manage projects of pharmaceutical development and the rules that govern the negotiation of intellectual property rights of public universities


administracao de empresas national pharmaceutical industry indústria farmacêutica nacional industria farmaceutica -- inovacoes tecnologicas -- brasil industria e educacao

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