Induction of histamine release from rat mast cells and human basophilic granulocytes by clinical Escherichia coli isolates and relation to hemolysin production and adhesin expression.


We investigated the role of 27 disease-relevant Escherichia coli strains isolated from humans in the induction of histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells and human basophilic granulocytes. Our data indicated that only the hemolysin-positive (HLY+) bacteria and the hemolysin-positive culture supernatants induced histamine release. For the latter, the hemolysin activity determined the degree of histamine secretion. Incubation of the target cells with washed HLY+ bacteria revealed a different secretory response. For the rat mast cells, histamine release paralleled expression of hemolysin activity, with the exception of strain S98 (O75:K5:H- HLY+), which induced less histamine, although its hemolysin activity was relatively high. No correlation between histamine secretion and hemolysin activity was observed when human basophils were stimulated with the HLY+ bacteria. Large amounts of histamine were still released, even when the hemolysin activity declined to zero. Our results support the potent role of the E. coli hemolysin as a pathogenicity factor in bacterial infection.

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