Individual reports of student s evaluation : a relevant gender of discourse in the alternative pedagogical practices / Relatorios individuais de alunos : genero discursivo relevante nas praticas pedagogicas alternativas




In this research, it is led an analysis in a group of documents, Individual Reports of Student?s Evaluation, approached as gender of discourse, according to Bakhtin and his circle, and which circulates in schools here named ?alternative schools?. Having a dialogic comprehension of language, we presuppose that the school and the parents produce the privileged interlocutors of gender, both immersed in an alternative pedagogical discourse. In order to show the gender in situation of enunciation found in the relation of interlocution between the school and the alternative pedagogical discourse in its encounter with traditional pedagogical discourse, in the first chapter we make a brief historical reconstruction of the emergence of those private schools, throughout a dialog among some historical notes on the constitution of the modern school with a traditional character, and those found in the appearance of the alternative school. In this dialog, it is focused the different (and similar) conceptions of family and childhood, the way of production, and science, and its different (and similar) incidences of traditional and alternative pedagogical discourses (and practices), which contribute for its conception of learner subject. The material for analysis of the reconstruction of the emergence of these schools is assembled from the historic located in Internet sites of some schools. The school, as an institution, is the polyphonic voice that embraces the narration. In the second chapter, the polyphonic voice that assumes the authorial persona of the material of analysis is still the school as an institution, and the place of gathering data is still the sites of the schools, spot of publicity where the schools sell their services, once they are private schools. The utterances presented there are understood, fundamentally, directed towards the parents of the students or possible future students. In this chapter, it is shown the presentation of those schools in their sites, in order to acknowledge their part of persuasive intonation (Bakhtin) towards the parents, specifically a trustful ethos that they try to show, not only in their character but also in their corporality. We come to an ethos that presents those schools as having a tradition in the vanguard of education. In the third chapter, it can be found the analysis of documents. The polyphonic voice that assumes the authorial persona of the documents is the teacher that evaluates his student. For dealing with the dialogue of the ?other? that the alternative pedagogical discourse tries to deny - the traditional pedagogical discourse -, it is made a brief genealogy under analysis in comparison to genders alike of that other discourse. From the tense dialogue with the pedagogical discourses and the school, it is apprehended that the compositional form of gender, introduced by a headline, in which it can be read an enunciative scene as well as in the rest of the textual body, the explicitation/implicitation of that which constitutes its theme, some ?observable? of student?s evaluation from cognitive and socio-affective natures, as well as an observable hybrid and convergent nucleus of the alternative pedagogical discourse: the autonomy. From the dialogue with the parents, who delegate the education of their children to that specific school, it is possible to extract the persuasive style of gender either by the theoretical discussion explicit, represented by several ?observable?, or by the ability of a ?sensitive look? in a way of praising ? which marks this discourse ? and its movement to the ?flattery? when describing the characteristics and conditions of the student. The seductive-persuasive character in the ethos of the schools is confirmed as a mark of style in this gender of discourse


gerder of discourse discourse analysis subjectivity analise do discurso generos discursivos subjetividade

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