Indirect choroidal tears at the posterior pole: a fluorescein angiographic and perimetric study.


Retinal fluorescein angiographic and visual field studies were performed on 10 patients who had developed indireect choroidal tears, these procedures being repeated at intervals until the retinal disturbances stabilised. Fluorographic investigations revealed that a transient breakdown of the choroidoretinal barrier to fluorescein dye could be detected in cases investigated within 4 days of injury, and also that the late complication of neovascularisation, producing a serous maculopathy, may resolve and good central vision be retained without recourse to photocoagulation therapy. Patients who had visual field examinations performed within a few days of trauma were noted to have dense central scotomata, but some recovery occurred in most cases, although to a variable degree. Field defects away from fixation corresponded to an extent with areas of post-traumatic pigmentary retinopathy, but in some portions of retina with normal background appearances sensitivity was also noted to be reduced. Scotomata corresponding specifically to choroidal tears or nerve fibre bundle defects were not recorded. Improvement of visual acuity may be expected, except in cases where a choroidal tear has involved the fovea or progressive choroidal neovascularisation led to permanent macular damage.

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