Incontinencia urinaria no ciclo gravidico-pueral e impacto na qualidade de vida / Urinary incontinence in the pregnancy-perperium cycle and impact in the quality of life




Objectives: to evaluate the urinary incontinence (UI) during the pregnancypuerperium cycle; to verify in which phase of the cycle UI onset occurs; to verify the characteristics of urine loss, the types of UI, and the association between UI and risk factors; and to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of the puerperas with incontinence. Method: this cross-sectional and correlational study, in which 220 puerperas were interviewed in the period between 30 and 180 days postpartum. The interviews were performed using a form that was designed and validated specifically for this study and two instruments that evaluate the HRQOL: one generic, the SF-36; and one disease-specific: King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ). Results: UI occurred since the beginning of pregnancy and, but more frequent in the last trimester. It is more common during pregnancy (43.6%) than puerperium (10%). Most women presented small urine loss during pregnancy as well as during puerperium, but 13% reported having large urine loss. The mixed UI was the most frequent kind in the pregnancy (20%) and the Stress UI in the puerperium (4.5%). The occurrence of UI during pregnancy was associated to mothers’ older age, multiparity, spontaneous vaginal delivery, and the occurrence of urine loss in a previous pregnancy. Regarding the puerperium, the occurrence of UI was associated with multiparity, current body mass index, and having UI during the current pregnancy. In relation to the HRQOL, puerperas with incontinence obtained lower scores for the SF-36 domains of Functional Capacity (p=0.0046) and Overall Health Condition (p=0.0241) compared to puerperas without incontinence. Puerperas with incontinence presented even higher scores in the following KHQ domains: severity rate, overall health perception, and incontinence impact; showing a worse perception for HRQOL. Conclusions: UI generally begins in the final pregnancy and reduces during puerperium. The types of UI range according to the pregnancy-puerperium cycle phase and urine loss is usually small. Except for multiparity, the risk factors associated with UI during pregnancy were not associated with UI during the puerperium. The QOL of women’s with and without incontinence was similar, except for the SF-36 domains of functional capacity and overall health condition, which are worsened among incontinences women. Using the KHQ it was observed that the impact on all domains was lower when compared to others studies; however, some women’s QOL was strongly affected, reaching the maximum score in some domains.


periodo pos-parto questionarios incontinencia urinaria prevalencia prevalence postpartum period risks factors questionnaires fatores de risco urinary incontinence pregnancy qualidade de vida quality of life gravidez

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