Inclusão digital e gestão municipal




In the context of the recent information society and globalization, digital inclusion has become an important issue in city management. Local governments have taken as their responsibility to offer free access to information and communication by the Internet and to offer free training courses to enable citizens to use virtual means of communication in social, political end economic life. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze programs of digital inclusion in the cities of São Paulo, Curitiba and Porto Alegre, emphasizing the relationship between programs and city governments administrative practices. Based on a bibliographic review on digital inclusion, public management, as well as policies and programs of digital inclusion, the following criteria have been selected for the analysis: (1) universality and facilities of access; (2) democratic governance and citizen participation; (3) digital literacy, education and research; (4) creation of job opportunities; and (5) continuity of digital inclusion programs. These criteria worked as cornerstones in the comparison of the data collected in sites that belong to city governments. The main conclusion of this work is that the more conservative governments that followed the concept and practice of new public management directed their digital inclusion programs primordially to education and the creation of job opportunities as its main objectives, whereas the more progressive governments that used to base the political decision making process on citizen participation are more concerned about democratic governance and how to motivate the local community to take part in digital inclusion programs. The dissertation highlights the importance of a formal institutionalization of digital inclusion programs as premise to guarantee continuity and to consolidate digital inclusion as a public policy.


inclusão digital tecnologia da informação - aspectos sociais participação política alfabetização drenagem urbana de aguas pluviais administração municipal - participação do cidadão

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