Incidence of Cytomegaloviremia in Blood-Bank Donors and in Infants with Congenital Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease


During a 15-month period, cytomegalovirus (CMV) isolations were attempted from leukocytes derived from 290 healthy blood-bank donors. The major proportion of the specimens were tested 2 to 5 hr after donation. However, CMV was not recovered from any of the specimens examined. At the time of donation, 75% of donors had CMV complement-fixing antibodies demonstrable in titers of 10 to ≥320. The age of the study group ranged from 17 to 57 years. During the same time period and with the use of identical isolation techniques, postnatal cytomegaloviremia was demonstrated in four infants with cytomegalic inclusion disease. Failure to detect cytomegaloviremia in 290 normal blood donors questions its occurrence outside pathological conditions. These results do not support the concept that CMV infection, concurrent with post-transfusion mononucleosis syndrome, is transmitted through the blood donor's leukocytes.

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