In you court them after the 60 years old: investigating the factors of influence for the construction of sports habitus in master athletes / Nas quadras depois dos 60 anos : investigando os fatores de influência para a construção do habitus esportivo em atletas master




The deepening of scientific knowledge regarding physiology and human anatomy, as well as the development of more and more complex techniques for improving physical performance and retarding biological and psychological effects caused by aging, is an outstanding achievement, enabling a great number of individuals to enjoy good life quality patterns that were unthinkable a short while ago. In the specific case of the elderly, the scientific consensus has contemporarily admitted their insertion in the universe of sports practice, as long as it is characterized as smooth, no tiresome or aggressive. In the psychological and social ambit, physical activity would stimulate socialization among equal parties, pleasure, and happiness of keeping oneself able and independent. In which category should one fit the elderly who has a lifestyle related to athletic competition, and that tries to keep and overcome barriers even in age groups in which biological and performance indicators points to the need to look for more moderate activities than the competitive sport? In Pierre Bourdieus approach the constitution of a lifestyle, admits a portion of rationality and subjectivity on the option for becoming and keeping oneself physically active, however, he includes on the discussion the influence of factors such as social and economic class, formal education levels, power relation inside and between social groups, age, gender, social perception, among others that will constitute a habitus, a second nature expressed on ethos, translated through class values, daily moral put into action in an unconscious or reflexive manner, and body hexis that is defined by postures, by the way one moves, speaks, and gestures, what he names as the social physiognomy of the body. Investigating a group of basketball veteran athletes that keep themselves active and competitive, one looked for the influential factors on the construction of their sportive habitus, as well as their perceptions regarding physical activity and competition in the third age, and the relationship with the sports field. It has been observed that such readiness for physical effort, for the agonic dispute, revealed in the first childhood, will mark most of the interviewees throughout their life, who, even when drawn by circumstances that made them get away from sports practice, always returned to it in different manners, as athletes, coaches, stimulators etc. During maturity and old age this long living with sports confer on them a different place for having a meaningful symbolic capital, expressed on their physical state of health, on the wide social net they attend, on the possibility of being seen as role models to be followed. Before accepting the fragile model that characterizes political, theoretical and practical interventions for sports in the third age, master athletes claim space in sports field for efficiency, competing according to the rules and the organization that characterize the Olympic model. Citius, Altius, Fortious continues to be the reference for this group.


master sports sociological issues estilo de vida esporte master - aspectos sociológicos habitus elderly behavior lifestyles habitus idosos - comportamento educacao fisica

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