In vivo reproducibility and correlation of visual and laser fluorescence methods for the detection of pits and fissures with discoloration in primary molars / Reprodutibilidade e correlação in vivo dos métodos visuais e de fluorescência a laser na detecção de descolorações em sulcos e fossetas oclusais de molares decíduos




Aiming at developing an in vivo study of the reproducibility and correlation of two visual indexes (Ekstrand et al. (1998) ? E and Nyvad; Machiulskiene and Baelum (1999) ? N) and the measures of laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent®,KaVo - DD) for the detection of decolorised pits and fissures, a single trained examiner, after the free and aware consent of 28 patients, opened the scores E, N and laser fluorescence averages of 190 primary molars with and without occlusal discoloration in pits and fissures. The reproducibility of the visual indexes was calculated with basis on the kappa Cohen and weighted kappa (wk) tests, while for the DD averages the Perason´s correlation (rp) was calculated. To provide a comparison among the visual indexes, the Sperman´s correlation (rcs) was calculated, and for the correlation among the visual indexes and the DD averages, the Student´s t test and the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied to compare the DD averages and the degree of severity of the lesions. The reproducibility of the visual indexes was substantial (wkE= 0,645) and (wkN= 0,634); the DD averages presented a significant and highly positive Pearson´s correlation (rP= 0,930). The comparison among the visual indexes proved to be positive and significant, mainly in relation to the severity (rcs= 0,623) and the dichotomisations for the presence of lesion (rcs= 0,765) and discoloration (rcs= 0,757). The Student´s t test of for the comparisons among the indexes and the DD averages also proved to be significant (p <0,001) for the presence of lesion and discoloration, contrary to the activity results. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) among the degrees of severity and DD averages showed significant differences only at the degrees 0 and 1 (E ? 2a) of the E index and 0, 1 (N ? 4) and 2 (N ? 5) of the N index. The conclusions for pits and fissures with discoloration in primary molars are that (1) both methods (visual and laser fluorescence) were reliable (2) the DD was able to diferenciatte sound tissues from lesions with discoloration and (3) inactive intact or with microcavities lesions at the enamel level.


descoloração primary teeth dentes decíduos sulcos e fossetas oclusais discoloration laser fluorescence fluorescência a laser (diagnodent® pits and fissures indices visual e tátil visual and tactile indexes kavo)

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