In vitro propagation of Prunus spp. rootstocks. / Propagação in vitro de porta-enxertos do gênero Prunus spp




nus. To obtain peach plants that produce fruits of high quality and to obtain high productivity, it is necessary a modern and tecnified nursery plant production. The objective for this study was to establish an appropriated and low cost methodology for production of nursery Prunus plants. The experiments were carried out at the Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel Universidade Federal de Pelotas during the period from 2003 to 2005. For the in vitro establishment phase were used explants of peach rootstocks cvs. Mr. S. 2/5, Sírio, Tsukuba, Nemaguard, Nemared and Flordaguard. The variables evaluated on the establishment phase were: type of explant; culture medium solidifiers; light quality; bud location; type of culture medium; and different BAP concentrations in the media culture. Regarding to the in vitro multiplication phase, the peach rootstocks cultivars tested were: Mr. S. 2/5; Sírio; and Tsukuba, which were evaluated about the effects of the following variables: light quality; BAP concentrations; type of explant; and type of culture medium. Regarding to the in vitro rooting phase, the peach rootstock tested was the cv. Mr. S. 2/5, which was evaluated about the following variables: light quality; vermiculite as a substitute of agar in culture media; and sucrose and AIB concentrations in culture medium. In the phase of in vitro establishment it was observed that: in general the best explant was nodal segment; the best culture medium solidifier was agar; the culture medium solidifier phytagel caused explants vitrification; and the n 088 green filter for light promoted shoot morfogenesis on rootstock cv. Mr. S. 2/5. On the in vitro multiplication phase it was observed that: light quality had no effect on sprouting; addition of BAP 1,2 mg L-1 to the culture media had no effect on adventitious shooting in the Tsukuba rootstocks; the sprouts from shoot tip explants had more growth; and the MS culture medium gave the best results. On the in vitro rooting phase it was observed that: sucrose was essential for in vitro rooting; vermiculite substituted for agar in medium without affecting in vitro rooting; and the different light filters did not increase the.


qualidade de luz agronomia in vitro propagation culture pessegueiro cultura de tecido prunus porta-enxertos

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