In vitro propagation of curauà [Ananas erectifolius (L.B.Sm) â Bromeliaceae] from shoot elongation / PropagaÃÃo in vitro do curauà [Ananas erectifolius (I.B.Sm)- Bromeliaceae] a partir de brotos estiolados e caracteres anatÃmicos de folhas




Curauà [Ananas erectifolius (L.B.Sm) â Bromeliaceae] it is species that is rising as a substitute for the making of ropes, bags and home utensils. Recent studies guarantee its great potential in the car industry, due to its strength, softness and reduced weight. The increasing needs for this plant fibers by business groups makes this a strategic specie creating social environment worries about its use. The great problem is there is not enough raw material to supply the car industry. Because curauà is very faithful to its amazonic origin and develops only under a warm and humid weather conditions, making these a problem for scions acquisition. In this study, in vitro thecniques were used adopting the elongation method and its action at the cell. The results indicate that curauÃâs explants cultured in MS medium supplied with NAA, GA3 and KIN regenerate shoots elongation. Apical, nodal segments and basal parts from shoots elongation can be used more than once in multiplication process. There was no significative influence in the explant size to obtain the shoots elongation and the culture showed and excellent suitability growing in a liquid medium. The anatomical studies results demonstrate that chlorenchyma and parenchyma aquiferus volume are larger in explants from elongation method and that explants from in vitro conventional method give more fibers bundle with larger with large diameter than those from elongation method.


propagaÃÃo in vitro curauà in vitro propagation ananÃs erectifolius curauà brotos estiolados ananas erectifolius shoot elongation fitotecnia

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