Improvement of Circularly Polarized Slot-Patch Antenna Parameters by Using Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures


J. Microw. Optoelectron. Electromagn. Appl.




Abstract This paper is devoted to the design of a novel Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) circularly polarized slot-patch antenna in multilayered configuration. The operating frequency band can be controlled via the disk radius and adjusting the slit lengths. An arrangement combining the circular slot-patch antenna design and feeding sources included are considered is necessary. Due to the exisiting of two feeding points, Position of both feeding points will permit Right-hand and Left-hand circular polarization operations. Thickness of substrate is chosen to reduce the spurious surface wave and width. The same technique will be used for the EBG cirlcularly polarized circular slot-patch antenna network and carry two benefits (such as improvement of bandwidth, beamforming, creating zero radiation beams) and filtering characteristics of the resonator (spatial filtering, increased directivity, misalignment) due to the resonant structure itself. The analysis provided will confirm successfully the various proposed structures and interest occupied by these types of antenna. Two approaches, one introduced by one layered Circularly-Polarized Patch-Slot antenna design with some changes in material configuration and the other produced by multilayered structures with different dielectric constants in the EBG resonator, are simultaneously used as key controllers of directivity enhancement.

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