Importância econômica do setor educação no Paraná em 2006 : uma análise de insumo-produto


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Education is able to provide significant changes in the socioeconomic environment. With such importance, it can be approached from two aspects: i) education as a means for the development of physical, intellectual and moral development of its direct applicants and ii) education as an economic sector. In the first, there are long run implications, as social improvements and stabilization of society. In the second, Education as an economic force also produces benefits in the short run, with the multiplier effect of the sector, driven by demand from direct and indirect demand of educational institutions in other sectors of the economy. Focusing on the short run this research, as objective, scaled the economic importance of the sector Education, Public and Commercial, in Parana, in 2006, with regard to generating employment and income, broken down by groups classified according to educational level of employees. Through the input-output analysis together with the information contained in National Survey by Household Sampling (NSHS), the study showed the results: i) the total of employed people of Paraná in 2006, 5.6 million, 79.4 %, were divided between those who went through primary and secondary school, ii) the relationship of education and income, or payment for the work, increased according to the educational level of the worker; iii) the change in average salary between who attended a graduation and the group that accessed only the Middle school, came to 85%, iv) the average wage of the group of workers with education equivalent to Masters was 240% higher than the average wage of workers in the Middle school, v) generation of employment and income showed the importance in the education sector, for Mercantile and Public Education, together, would generate 8.5% of total employment and 9.7% of total income in Parana.


educação - desenvolvimento regional educação - aspectos econômicos - paraná educação - relações intersetoriais education economic aspects paraná education regional development education intersectoral relations

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