Implementação de um prototipo do RSA




The main goal of this work is to present a description of the implementation of a prototype of the RSA criptosystem. The RSA is a public key cipher and has been considered one of the best inventions. in the last years in the criptography area. Its implementation brings a lot of problems, ranging from Number Theory to Analysis of Complexity of AIgorithms. The implemented proiotype was used to investigate some computing bottlenecks that make the practical use of the RSA criptosystem not interesting today, and to study others problems that arise in the implementation. This work is divided in three chapters and tive appendixes. In Chapter 1, in order to show the context where the work was made, are presented some" basic concepts of criptography. The RSA is described in this chapter too. The chapter 2 is formed with the main algorithms that the program use. There are some algorithins more easily found in criptography literature and some commonly found in seminumerical-algorithm literature. Chapter 3 describes other aspects of the program. There are informations about the way multiple precision numbers are represented internally by the program, one overview of the organization of the program modules and some tests made with the prototype in three machines: PC, VAX - 785 and D - 8000. . The appendixes contain some results obtained by the prototype and some demonstrations of its use


algoritmos criptografia

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