ImplementaÃÃo e AplicaÃÃo do Modelo de Visco-dano para problemas geomecÃnicos




A great advance in development of constitutive models for better simulation of geomechanical materials behavior has been observed in the last decades. A continuous medium subjected to degradation of its mechanical properties has a differentiated constitutive answer; hence itâs required the adoption of models based in Mechanic of Continuous Damage formulated in accordance with thermodynamic principles of irreversible processes for a better representation. In this dissertation it will be implemented a viscous-damage model, based on mechanic of continuous damage, which is different from the damage model by the introduction of viscous regularization made by Perzynaâs method. In order to validate the model, simulation of creep and stress relaxation tests will be carried out by the numerical tool CODE_BRIGHT, using finite element method â Galerkin, and the results compared with the results obtained by the numerical code COMET. An example of fracture activation will bee analyzed, and from this example, several numerical simulations changing the value of important parameters of the viscous-damage model will be performed to verify the sensibility


isotropic viscous-damage fracture activation and parametric studying finite element elementos finitos poro-elasticity visco-dano isotrÃpico poro-elasticidade engenharia civil ativaÃÃo de falha e estudo paramÃtrico

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