Impacts of trade barriers imposed by United States and European Union on brazilian agricultural exports. / Impactos das barreiras comerciais dos Estados Unidos e União Européia sobre a pauta de exportações agrícolas brasileiras.




Brazil has a large agricultural potential and must increase its exports to reduce the deficit in current transactions. However, Brazilian agricultural exports are subject to tariff and non-tariff trade restrictions in the United States and European Union, which are important markets for Brazil. The purpose of this theses was to evaluate the importance of tariff peaks, tariff rate quotas, technical barriers, sanitary and phytosanitary measures over Brazilian agricultural export value in the United States and European Union, to define the protection measures applied by each of these trade partners and verify which are the main agricultural products subjects to these measures in the year 2000, by the use of frequency and coverage indexes.


tariff policy política tarifária política comercial economia internacional agricultural products. international economics produtos agrícolas. export economic integration trade policy exportação integração econômica

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