Impactos e conflitos na produção de cimento no Distrito Federal




This Dissertation has objective describe productive process of the cement, identifying their impacts and social-environmental conflicts, proposing and exercising concepts of the Industrial Ecology and Pacific Management of Social-Environmental Conflicts for mitigation of the impacts and solution conflicts caused by sector. Although the Cement Industry has an important role in the construction of cities and in our current civilization, it generates environmental and social impacts with consequences to natural environment, and, in some cases, conflicts with communities near the production plants. There are several environmental impacts associated to the sector, from the extraction of the raw material that causes erosion and modifies the habitat surrounding the cement plants, to the emission of particulate matter that cause several health problems to man and the macroimpacts with the emission of greenhouse gases - mainly carbon dioxide from clinker manufacturing. In the Federal District of Brazil, in the Fercal Region of the satellite-city of Sobradinho, the existence of two cement plants, Tocantins S/A e a Ciplan S/A, both having regional and national importance, generate social and environmental impacts in the neighboring communities. In the Queima Lençol Community, located near the Ciplan Plant, and in the surrounding area of the Cafuringa Environmentaly Protected Area, there is a lot of pollution generated by the emission of particulate matter from the production of cement. This situation has been raising conflicts in the region and lead to episodes in which the local population close the access highway to the plant and burn tires in protest to the pollution caused by the plant. This Dissertation presents reflections related to Industrial Ecology and the Life Cycle Thinking as a means to mitigate the impacts caused to environment. Reuse and recycling are more adequate practices in the productive process of cement and are better for closing cycles and for the integration with other sectors and productive processes. During the course of this study, a different approach of the social dimension was needed since the issues related to the production of cement are not restricted to the natural environment. For the resolution of social-environmental conflicts a methodology was employed to frame the conflicts caused by the cement sector. In the studied cases, the use of normative and punitive instruments or the adoption of mitigation techniques was not enough. It is important to consider a reflection about the participation and the involvement of the communities located near the plants and the development and the application of measures that concentrate on the resolution of conflicts and the adoption of participation methodologies such as the Pacific Management of Social- Environmental Conflicts that can portray and analyze the complexities that exist between the many social actors. This study concludes that it is necessary to foment a culture of complementarity, co-responsibility and compromising for this common objective. In this sense, it is necessary that all agents, including the companies, are aware of the problems in order to construct a new reality for the sector with more social and ecological sustainability of the productive process of cement.


impactos cimento sustentabilidade conflitos ciencias sociais aplicadas distrito federal

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