Impactos de longo prazo de reformas fiscais sobre a economia brasileira




This paper aims to examine the impact on the economy of reductions in current spending and increasing public spending on investment, employing a general equilibrium model with exogenous growth. The model will be calibrated with data from the Brazilian economy in 2005 to assess the dynamics of the same in simulations of the parameters of fiscal policy (taxes and spending). On the assumption that the Brazilian state is a high level, the simulations of this work seek to: i) reducing the size of government to values of economies with level of development similar to Brazilian ii) increase of government spending on investments for the size great. The results suggest that only the reduction of public consumption with a consequent fall of taxation is not favorable for the economy because it does not significantly alter the rate of investment in the economy, with very detrimental to the public sector to reduce their consumption by more than 20% and loss of revenue would be between 1 and 17% (in real terms). But to raise the rate of public investment, the results suggest major changes in the level of capital and welfare, and actual lifting of collection, despite the fall in tax burden. But it would be necessary administrative reform that would reduce consumption of government between 1 and 8,5%


economia bem-estar econÃmico investimento pÃblico welfare polÃtica fiscal despesa pÃblica public expenditure fiscal policy public investment

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