Impactos da GlobalizaÃÃo e ModernizaÃÃo AgrÃcola na RegiÃo do Vale do SubmÃdio do SÃo Francisco: estudo de caso do PerÃmetro de IrrigaÃÃo Projeto Bebedouro em Petrolina-PE




In the region of submiddle SÃo Francisco happened an agricultural reform due to new models of organizational management, that occurred by different actors contributions and forms of perception in the connection of work and money, emphasizing as presupposes the processes of globalization. This work has as a proposal, a case study of the familiars producers of Bebedouro Project which is a part of the waters of fruticultura in Petrolina-Juazeiro. What is detected by this research, is that these producers animated on several models adopted to the development of this region, ensued by programs and objectives of public political made by the State, havenât taken this category to a creation medium class producers with pushing posture. What it has being seen is the nonsuccess obtained by theses producers, with schemes of unfavorable productions and marketing in their economy, and that in the current conditions that they are, has contributed very much to the increase of need e more social exclusion in this region. To make this research, it was used the following procedures and techniques to collect the data: primary survey of reality, by contacts, visit to producers who are part of Bebedouro Project and others waters perimeters of fruticultura in Juazeiro-Petrolina, and also public and private agencies; bibliographic researches in archive of enterprises and institutions; reading of academic literature about the topic of the research; accomplishing of not structured interview to the social actors â key informers in several public and private companies in Petrolina; and appliance of questionnaires to some chosen familiar producers of Bebedouro Project


globalization sociologia globalizaÃÃo

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