Impactos ambientais da disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos no solo e na água superficial em três municípios de Minas Gerais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study was conducted in the landfill area of Campo Belo, the landfilling of Santo Antonio do Amparo and the dump closed from Elói Mendes, located in southern Minas Gerais, to evaluate the environmental impacts of different types of disposal Municipal Solid Waste under field conditions on the surface water and soil. For the assessment of impacts on surface water monitoring was conducted via collecting water samples, for a period of nine months at three points of watercourses, one upstream, one after the other point of water drainage from the disposal areas and another to the downstream area, which were carried out physical-chemical, microbiological, for later calculation of water quality index (AQI) and analysis of inorganic substances and heavy metals, which were compared with the reference value of DN COPAM CERH 01/2008. For the environmental impacts on soil permeability tests were performed in situ within the disposal areas, and analysis of heavy metals samples were collected in layers 0 to 20 cm upstream, in the disposal area and downstream in the layer from 20 to 40 cm upstream and downstream of the area, for later comparison with guiding values for soils (CETESB, 2005). Regarding water, it is evaluated in this study the AQI indicator values did not allow inferences about the impact of disposal areas, although the landfill of Campo Belo, some parameters, such as fecal coliform has been affected by a factor of waste disposal . In regard to contamination by heavy metals and inorganic substances in water, can be inferred that the watercourse was influenced by the landfill for the parameters of iron aluminum and mercury, being also affected by manganese to its downstream due to the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) effluent from the landfill. In relation to the ground was detected high concentrations of heavy metals such as copper values exceeding prevention, mainly nickel and chromium, which were found above levels of intervention, especially for the deeper layer from 20 to 40 cm observed in landfill controlled of Santo Antônio do Amparo, which is associated with higher permeability, which makes the environment more vulnerable to contamination.The finding of contamination of soil and water in these areas, it signals the need to promote mitigation actions, as well as continued monitoring to assess the effectiveness of actions implemented.


contaminação ambiental metais pesados em solo metais pesados em água engenharia agricola environmental contamination heavy metals in soil heavy metals in water

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