Impacto do alinhamento da estratégia de negócios sobre o desempenho. / Impact of the business strategy alignment on the organizational performance.




This thesis proposes a theoretical model of internal strategic alignment and defends the hypothesis that an internal alignment, from the proposed model, is positively related to organizational performance. It is defined that the strategy, considering Miles and Snow typology, and the environmental uncertainty moderate this relationship. The alignment is conceptualized as an adjustment in both vertical and horizontal dimensions. Vertical alignment refers to the set of actions necessary to the strategy implementation, from the formulated strategy to its deployment at all organizational levels. It is defined that the factors involved in the vertical alignment are strategy formulation comprehensiveness, management capacity to the strategy implementation and employees involvement with the strategy. The construct strategy formulation comprehensiveness is defined as multidimensional composed with the variables formal process planning, middle management involvement in the formulation process and consensus about the strategy. Horizontal alignment involves understanding the customers needs and the alignment of the process (inter-functional) capable of delivering what the customers need. Both dimensions, vertical and horizontal, represent the variables to be aligned and the idea is that isolated they are not sufficient to produce the internal alignment. Therefore, this thesis adopts the alignment in the holistic perspective, also commonly named by the literature as systemic or covariation perspective. In order to define the model constructs it was performed an extensive literature review consulting Web of Science database which resulted in a total of 141 articles. This search also was the start point to the research instrument definition, which was submitted to validation of content by specialists and executives. The data were collected through a link to access the questionnaire on the internet and through paper. The research was conducted with middle managers and professionals directly involved in business strategy implementation, from 125 middle and large companies. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling with estimation by partial least squares (PLS), using the software SmartPLS 2.0. The results give empirical and methodological validation to the model specified and confirm that the covariation between vertical and horizontal alignment has positive impact in the organizational performance. Contributions of this study and suggestions for other researches also are recorded.


estratégia organizacional organizational strategy strategic planning administração estratégica desempenho organizacional eficácia organizacional organizational effectiveness organizational performance planejamento estratégico strategic management

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