Impacto de sistemas e sucessão de cultivos em artrópodes associados à cultura do feijão / Impact of cropping systems and succession of cultivation on arthropods associated to the bean culture




This work aimed to evaluate, in two experiments, the impact of cropping systems, succession of cultivation and herbicides application on the arthropods community in bean culture. In the first experiment, it was evaluated the impact of the systems (no-tillage and conventional tillage) and the succession of cultivation (succession to corn destined to the production of grain or silage) on the arthropods community of the plants canopy (chapter 1), soil surface (chapter 2) and soil interior (chapter 3) in bean culture. In the second experiment (chapter 4), it was studied the impact of no-tillage and conventional tillage associated to the mixture of the herbicides fomesafen + fluazifop on the arthropods of the soil interior. In the two experiments, the experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five replications. Different impact of the cropping system was verified on the arthropod species on the plant canopy as well as on the soil surface and soil interior. The no-tillage system decreased the attack of insect pests and it provided an increase of predators and parasitoids population in the canopy of bean culture. Also, the no-tillage system increases the detritivorous arthropods and predators in the soil surface and in the soil interior. The cultivation of corn destined to the production of grain, previosly to the bean culture, did not affect the arthropod community in the canopy of the bean but it increased the population of detritivorous arthropods and predators in the soil surface and in the soil interior. The application of the mixture of the herbicides fomesafen + fluazifop reduced the population of arthropods in the soil interior in bean culture.


conventional tillage artrópodes phaseolus vulgaris phaseolus vulgaris zea mays plantio direto arthropods plantio convencional bioindicators zea mays no-tillage bioindicadores fitotecnia

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